Queen Anne is one of our most popular neighborhoods – close to downtown and all the high-tech firms, full of lovely old homes and with a high walking quotient!
It is a popular neighborhood for people who work at Amazon, the Gates Foundation and even Microsoft. Microsoft has a shuttle system to Redmond which picks up in Queen Anne.
Just like Capital Hill, Queen Anne is quite near to South Lake Union and all the high tech and bio tech firms which have grown in the area since Paul Allen stimulated the area by generously funding the park, trolley and much of the infrastructure.
Originally called one of the seven hills of Seattle it has the steepest grade of all the hills in Seattle and one of the best views. The lines of a trolley system still exist under the main hill climb giving it the nickname the Counterbalance.
Both Upper and Lower Queen Anne are full of boutique shops, grocery stores, coffee shops and galleries.
Lower Queen Anne sports a denser collection of restaurants and theaters. It is adjacent to the Seattle Center so often hosts attendees of events at the Opera House and other venues for dinner and drinks.
As pointed out in this article, Queen Anne was made famous by the TV show “Frasier”.